
  1. Understanding Cryptocurrency Tax Myths: Insights Needed

    I’ve been diving into the topic of cryptocurrency taxation and noticed a lot of confusion around what’s taxable and what isn’t. For example, does every crypto transaction have tax implications, or are there exceptions depending on jurisdiction? I recently came across some interesting insights...
  2. Airdrops Tax Considerations for Crypto Airdrops and Holding Gains

    I’m curious about how others here are managing tax obligations on crypto airdrops and similar rewards. With airdrops becoming more popular, it seems like many may not be fully aware of how these earnings could be taxed, especially as rules vary by region. If anyone’s interested, I found a...
  3. Selling Discord account 1,5 Years

    Selling discord account created 1,5 Years ago. Login outlook email. Phone number verified Only 12 ACC. 0.5$/ ACC Contact me on telegram @ChaenwoodIDN
  4. Understanding Crypto Taxes – Let’s Clear Up Some Myths

    I’ve been seeing a lot of mixed opinions lately about how cryptocurrency is taxed, and I know it can get confusing, especially as the rules seem to keep changing. Whether you’re a long-time investor or just getting started, it’s important to stay on top of this topic to avoid surprises when tax...
  5. via

    Buying Exchanging $10 BTC for $7 ETH.

    If you're interested in doing this small Exchange, PM me via. Web OR Telegram: via_tele
  6. UE

    Buying Want to Exchange my USD for Crypto! 💎⚡

    PM ME via website.